Our services

With a commitment to creating beautiful smiles and improving oral health, Smile Studio Orthodontics offers a wide range of orthodontic services, including traditional braces, Invisalign, and other cutting-edge treatment options.


Experience the discreet and comfortable way to straighten your teeth with Invisalign. These virtually invisible clear aligners are an excellent choice for those looking for a more esthetic and convenient orthodontic treatment.

  1. Invisalign First for growing children

  2. Invisalign for Teens

  3. Invisalign for Adults

Traditional (Metal) Braces

We provide traditional braces that have been perfected over the years to effectively align your teeth, addressing even the most complex cases.

Esthetic (Ceramic) Braces

For those who want a less noticeable alternative to traditional braces, we offer ceramic braces. These brackets blend in with your teeth, making them a more esthetically pleasing option.

Lingual Braces (InBrace)

Lingual braces are placed on the inside surface of your teeth, making them practically invisible to others. This option is perfect for those who desire a discreet method of treatment.

  1. InBrace

    Personalized behind-the-teeth, teeth straightener – that’s completely hidden


“Retainers are used nighttime for a lifetime.”
Once your orthodontic treatment is complete, retainers help maintain your beautifully aligned teeth. We provide a variety of retainer options to suit your individual needs.

  1. Essix Retainers

  2. Hawley Retainers

  3. Fixed Retainers

Digital Treatment Planning

Our practice utilizes cutting-edge technology for precise and efficient treatment planning. Digital imaging and computer-aided design allow us to create a customized treatment plan that ensures optimal results. We can predict your end results even before you start treatment!

Remote Monitoring

We offer the convenience of remote monitoring to keep track of your progress without frequent in-office visits. This feature enables us to make necessary adjustments and ensures your treatment stays on track.

  1. Grin

Accelerated Treatment

If you're looking to shorten your treatment time, our accelerated treatment options can help speed up your orthodontic journey, getting you to your desired results faster.